Who is currently looking at Brussels from home, inevitably asks: EU, what is this democracy for the EU election? Instead of Manfred Weber (46), representative of the EPP, the largest group in the European Parliament, the most powerful To elect EU officials, the heads of state governments suddenly conjured up Ursula von der Leyen (60). The German Minister of Defense is to become EU Commission President. Special deals in back rooms bring the new EU leader for the commission in daylight, that's not democratie...
This very factual and interesting video by Naomi Seibt was deleted on YouTube after only 12 hours. Unfortunately, we are no longer able to express our opinion through the Internet Enforcement Act.Where should the censorship still bring us, if no opinion may be gasified? We have no climate catastrophe we have a problem with the environment, our consumption and the garbage by the throwaway society. It must not come to total censorship in the net , if we are want to talk free. Be activ andnsearch for all information by yourself....
Sometimes pictures say more than words - even though there is the possibility of manipulating pictures, it is still important who makes and publishes these pictures. But this must be true Frontex was shown himself.
This video has been published by the International Border Guard Frontex, who, as a neutral observer, are more apt to believe them than if they were filmed by some obscure political figure. The video in the article with even more infos ...
Julian Assange uncovered several of the atrocities of the US and its operations and published them on its WikiLeaks platform. After nearly seven years in the Embassy of Ecuador, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange was arrested in London. Now he is at the mercy of his opponents.If he is extradited to the US, he could face the death penalty there. Will there be an outcry from the media, politics and us humans against this injustice? Or is a dangerous precedent created here? ...
Q erschien zum ersten Mal, im Oktober 2017, in einem anonymen Online-Forum namens "4Chan", in dem Nachrichten gepostet wurden, die Top-Kenntnisse über bevorstehende Ereignisse implizierten. Das große Erwachen: Wir leben in einer einzigartigen Zeit, in der gewöhnliche Bürger auf der ganzen Welt zusammenarbeiten, um das korrupte System, das uns regiert, zu verstehen und aufzudecken. Das System lebt von der Täuschung und Lügen durch Regierungen und Medien ...